Thursday, December 20, 2007

Viru does not get a chance to show he is dada against Australian pace!

Media Watch One

One of the headlines today in the Indian Express was ‘’Viru opts for lighter bat to score heavy.’’ His bat is now 90-100 grams lighter.

Blog’s Take: We can now hope that with this lighter bat, Sehwag will strike the Australian bowlers like a lightening. As per the story, it will reduce the time taken to connect the ball after a big backlift. That is very important on pitches where ball comes little faster off the track.

Unfortunately, we will not get a chance to see his pyrotechnics in the three-day match between Victoria and India, which took off today. With Jaffer and Dravid opening, India’s priorities are clear. Unless Dravid fails in both the innings, he will play at Melbourne. That will be a pity because even if Dravid succeeds in Australia, you can not do much without specialist openers.

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