Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dravid may not open in Boxing day test?

It looks highly unlikely but that is what the Times of India is saying quoting PTI.

Unfortunately, this source journalism has a problem that there is never any quote with a name. Whose thinking, what thinking -- is always in realm of dispute.

The report says ''Till the start of the three-day game against Victoria on Thursday, the thinking was to put Dravid at the top of the order and pitchfork VVS Laxman at number three. These two were the best bats against Australia in 2003 and the opinion was to again put them at the forefront. But both are unused to this position and Dravid is fighting his own demons, inflicted on him after his ouster from One-dayers, a few technical cobwebs as well as the new task of opening the innings.''

The reasoning is perfect, and that is the way it should be. And Veru should be happy. He certainly has very good memories of MCG with that tremendous 195.

The Report says that ''Sehwag has been put on alert and he wasted little time in rushing to the MCG indoor nets this afternoon to give himself some serious workout against bowling machines.''Good.

That will surely help him if he gets a chance for the sterner test ahead!

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