Monday, December 31, 2007

Do not create another Controversy Mr Rajput, India have enough on their plate!

It was indeed funny to read a report in the Times of India, quoting Assistant Coach Ralchand Rajput in Sydney Morning Herald, that Yuvraj’s air of indifference was likely to cost him in a place in the middle order.

A similar report appeared in the Hindustan Times, titled ‘’Team upset with Yuvraj’s attitude’’ and it quoted the Newspaper, The Age.

The HT report said Yuvraj’s attitude during Melbourne ‘’infuriated the members of the Indian team.’’Unfortunately, there was no quote from Yuvraj, not even a mention that the media tried to contact him. Now where does any of the reports mention what exactly was this attitude problem.

For example, did he tell the other players to look at their own batting first before commenting on his (Yuvraj’s)! Or was there anything else.Why malign a man (who will not reply due to disciplinary reasons), whose heroics at the World Cup helped India snatch it, and whose tremendous batting at Bangalore along with Ganguly saved India from a possible defeat.
If you do not want to play him at Sydney, do it little more gracefully.What is Yuvraj without attitude? And what is the problem with flaunting it! Only men with attitude can take on the Australians. The likes of Botham, Flintoff, Shastri and Harbhajan have shown it in the past.

And the point it, why should Rajput be talking to the Australian media about the attitude of the Indians, and play into their hand!

Rajput wants to have one-on-one with him at Sydney, but has no problem in talking to the media on the issue even before that chat! That is strange.

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