Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Miandad defends Younis' Reverse Sweep

One of the top batsmen of the world in the seventies, eighties, and even nineties, Javed Miandad has defended the reverse sweep of Younis Khan at Bangalore which had resulted in his dismissal.

''When a player gets out playing a reverse sweep, it looks ugly and becomes a controversy. But one should not forget that when one succeeds, as Younis did in Kolkatta and on Monday, it draws applause from spectators,'' he wrote in one of India's premier papers, The Hindustan Times today (A PMG Column).

Miandad felt it would be folly to blame Younis and Yousuf for going for runs considering the wicket.If one recalls, Miandad did not seem to be having the most conventional of techniques, but lasted a good two decades thanks to his ability to find gaps and some innovative stroke-making.

Naturally, he believes that some risks are essential to succeed for any batsman as ultimately it is the runs on the board that matter.

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