Monday, December 3, 2007

Muralitharan sole World Record holder for 3rd Time

Tremendous achievement by an Asian bowler. With so much of cricket in its various forms played nowadays, it looks impossible that someone will go on to break his record as highest test wickettaker. At least it won't happen in our lifetime.

The first time Murali held the record was at Harare in 2004, when he bettered Courtney Walsh's 519 wickets. He became the first spinner after Lance Gibbs to hold the record.

The second time was under peculiar circumstances when he and Warne were both on 527 wickets. Martin Van Jaarsveld became Murali's 528th wicket at Galle, making him the sole World Record holder in August 2004, but this accomplishment lasted for just two months.

And now, after a wait of three years, Murali has again got the record with Paul Collingwood being his 709th victim.

Whatever Bedi and otherd may say about the legitimacy of his action, the Sri Lanka great deserves all the accolades for his tremendous accomplishment. An achievement which may never be bettered.

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