Monday, December 3, 2007

3.3 Lakh per month is a big sum!

Forty lakh per year, if Vengsarkar is indeed getting it, is a big sum for writing columns. Worth spurning any honorary job in the World! After all, 3.3 lakh per month is an income which 99.9 per cent of Indian households can only dream of.

The way the things have gone of late, it look unlikely that BCCI will budge form its stand of not paying compensation to Vengsarkar. That will leave the super-selector with just one way out.

Vengsarkar's predecessor Kiran More, in NDTV's Cricket Controversies programme on Sunday, said that if he were in Vengsarkar's place, he would have resigned (rather than offering to resign) after all the controversies including BCCI directive to him to select team on phone. Though he also said that BCCI was not in wrong in asking him not to write columns.

As per media reports, the BCCI is already considering few other names as chief selector, including Borde's. Now the ball is in Vengsarkar's court. With his brief tenure marred by so many mishaps, including run-ins with former skipper Dravid, he must have a quick rethink on where his priorities lie.

Vengsarkar the columnist will surely have a more peaceful life than Vengsarkar the chief selector.

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