Wednesday, January 2, 2008

This Sickening Cricket Addiction!!!!!!

It forces one to get up much before time even on such a cold January day.

It compels one to type furiously in dark, and in double the time, just to ensure that the family does not get disturbed.

If forces one to lower the volume of the TV set even though one wishes to hear the ambiance it its full glory.

And all this just to see the first day, first show of a brand new test (!) even though one gets a sinking feeling about the team’s chances even before the Sydney test has begun.

And here I should be representing the collective sentiments of the die-hard fans and cricket writers, who sacrifice all the family values (do not disturb others' sleep before six), put aside their own sleep and cast aside all urgent work, just to see their team in action. An addiction they have been living with for decades.

Meanwhile, in less than half-an-hour from now we will know the composition of the team for sure. That will partly decide if we need to go back to sleep again, or our sleep-deprived eyes will allow us to watch the tone-setting first two hours.

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