Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sehwag Left out of India Team?

If this report in India Times is correct, and not a part of retaliatory media war by India, then one fears that India are already on the backfoot.

The report says that ''India batsman Virender Sehwag has been left out of the playing eleven whereas Zaheer Khan's fitness might make him sit out as well in the second Test against Australia in Sydney on Wednesday''.

The report adds ''In spite of constant advices by cricket legends, India skipper Anil Kumble chose to opt out Sehwag from playing eleven.''

Blog's take: The legends included Steve Waugh and Javagal Srinath. Though they had advocated Sehwag-Dravid Combo, Sehwag could have only come in Yuvraj's place, making it Sehwag-Jaffer Combo.

About the team's composition, we will know for sure in few hours from now as last minute changes do happen. But if Sehwag is not there, India will certainly be on the backfoot.

One, India will not have a regular opening pair for the second consecutive time.

Second, Dravid will be forced to play as opener, which makes him vulnerable once again.

Third, Laxman at number three on overseas pitches does not inspire much confidence.

Hopefully, there will be a rethink on Sehwag. With Zaheer gone, one believes there will not be much difference. After all, the first few wickets in both the innings were taken by the spinners at Melbourne!

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