Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sehwag-Dravid Combo finds one more supporter

With India gearing up for a do-or-die battle at Sydney which begins less than 24 hours from now, the call to have Sehwag partnering Dravid is gaining momentum.

After Steve Waugh (http://atulsondhi.blogspot.com/2007/12/steves-team-will-have-sehwag-partnering.html), Javagal Srinath has asked the team management to let Sehwag partner Dravid at the top in a match, which India simply can’t afford to lose.

‘’Given the nature of the surface at the SCG, Sehwag and Rahul should be opening the innings. Sehwag was not only a great hit with the bat on the last tour, but can be very handy with the ball, on a turner like SCG,’’ writes Srinath in his column by Hawkeye/Chivach Sports.

Srinath is convinced that ‘’At present, Rahul needs an aggressive opening partner to complement his style of batting.’’Sehwag should be happy indeed.

If he gets in and scores, there won’t be a better new year gift for him and the Indian Contingent. His selection in that case will turn out to be as inspirational as Ganguly’s inclusion in the Test team for South Africa at the fag end of 2006.

In between, there were two adverse developments for the Indian squad, gearing up to take on Australia.

India’s best batsman in the 1st Test, Ganguly is down with fever though the team management believes that he will be fit in time for the second test. One does recall seeing Ganguly in discomfort during India’s second innings.

Hopefully, he will have recovered sufficiently to bat for long if India are to bat first tomorrow. They simply can’t afford to lose a batsman in form.

The second bad piece of news has been the nature of the pitch. In a story titled ‘’Pacy strip confuses India,’’ the Times of India says ‘’the virgin wicket at the SCG is not quite a spinners’ paradise, but has a bit of grass no it and the ball will carry nicely to the wicketkeeper.’

However, the nature of the pitch should concern only the Indians who are banking heavily on their best attack, which comprises two spinners. The Australians will hardly be bothered, as they have form as well momentum going on their side.

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